December offers

Six months at $16 a month for $96 (+1 month of free time)
Twelve months at $15 a month for $180 (+2 months of free time).

-Payment for each offer is in one lump sum.
-Whilst the transaction is via Paypal, you do NOT need a Paypal account.
-Both offers valid until Dec’31st 2020.

There also remains the usual ability to pay on a monthly basis.


Yours… charts… 24/7/365

Support independent media!

These are increasingly difficult times for those wanting unbiased news/information. The vice of censorship continues to tighten across the mainstream media websites, as many issues are either intentionally ignored, or just outright lied about.

Nov’23rd 2020

Support independent media!  I’m certainly not just referencing myself, but all of those who are highlighting important financial, and socio-political issues. If you’re increasingly riled up about the mainstream media hacks, now is the time to support your independent media!

If you like charts, and would like market commentary from someone who is truly independent… then subscribe!

Yours… 100% independent